Acer Revo Aspire 3700 Mini Pc

Acer has introduced the newest member of the family nettop Aspire Revo. Like its predecessor, Revo Aspire 3700 features the Intel Atom chipset and graphics processor NVIDIA ION. But the new model presents the latest and best from both.
Acer Revo Aspire 3700  Atom processor-based D525 1.8GHz dual core CPU and a second-generation platforms that support NVIDIA graphics ION 3D graphics acceleration, video playback of HD, and Adobe Flash video with acceleration.

Nettop has a 500GB hard disk storage, up to 4GB of DDR3 memory, 802.11b/g/n WiFi, and VGA and HDMI outputs.
According to Engadget, Revo Aspire 3700 priced around $ 580 when launched later this year.